sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Vested interest: Mad men

After watching the first episode of the serie "Mad men" where cigarettes advertisment were discussed we have to analyse how the vested interests appears in this scence and why Peter's idea fails while dom´s idea is accepted.

We can say that the vested interest appears when Don try to explain his idea, repeating all the time that smoking and cigarettes are good and pleasent while is the other way around,because by the time the persons became dependient of the cigarettes and also an other important factor is that brings you health problems. 

Also we have to analyse why peter´s idea is rejected; because his idea consisted on accepting that the tabaco is harmful but at the same time he said that the cars were dangerous for our health but we still buying them. On the other hand Dom compare his company; "Luky strike" with another cigarettes company "old Gold" criticizing them and saying that "Luky strike" arte toasted. 

1 comentario:

  1. Vested interests:
    Advertising company: being hired by another company
    Tobacco company owners: sell their product.
