jueves, 2 de agosto de 2012

Soliloquy: Medusa

-Why?! Why did you do this to me?, Athene?

You´re just a stupid coward goddess, if that is what we can call you: Goddess.

-Course you! Are you just jelows? I was only the most beautiful woman of whole Greece, and you decided yo twin me into this horrible monster? Just because you knew that i was way prettier than you?! I´ll get revenge from you.

Grammar Writing

Hi Silvia.
             How r u? H ope u r well! How is your family?. Well I´m writing this email 2 invite u 2 a party that my parents want 2 trow me since I´m good at school.

                   My mother hired a spectacular DJ. I will throw it in my house from 9 o´clock 2 12 o´clock. My house is located in Arce btween Pintos and Florida.

              Let me know if you can come. Don´t miss it! Please it will b a great and fantastic party.

                                                             Love u so much